Who am I
Hi Naveen Chandra here!,
I hail from Mysore, Karnataka, alumnus of SJCE, Mysore and TAPMI, Bangalore. I have spent few decades working in the IT world.
Why I do this
My years in the IT field, team building, team motivation, coaching, writing, travel and entrepreneurship has helped me in arriving at my understanding towards a life of success.
I was sharing some of those during coffee breaks with my close colleagues. Some liked and encouraged to share more. During such extended conversations, team started sharing their concerns. I revealed my experiences which has helped me in similar situation at career.
I didn't had all the answers.

What I can do for you
I started enjoying those conversations. I found, i was repeating the same words and best practices in those one-to-ones with different people. Over a period of time i felt, better give a structure to these discussions and convey them together, so that it helps me on my time plus, it can reach more people.
I observed such sessions were very satisfying me; and improved me when i looked for those answers which I did not had myself. I met different mentors who helped me with my questions. My learning improved.
Now sincere efforts have been made to streamline and convey the learning to help those who are in the pursuit of their dreams.
I have developed 5 LEVEL training around the book Campus to Corporate. Each with half day or 4 hours duration. Idea i share in those training's relates to how one can look at taking complete responsibility towards once career, business and moreover life. These ideas are easy to learn and implement on day one.
More details are below.