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Live By Heart! -  Archive Articles

An ALPHA Year!

When September knocks on the calendar, it’s an alert for me to re-look on how I have spent most of the year. I had pointed this out earlier too.

I repeatedly observed that significant projects always take longer time, efforts and budget than we estimate.... 

Freedom From Self!

What hinders individuals towards life of growth, achievement and contribution?


Is it health, is it lack of focus, lack of actions, lack of support, lack of recognition…or lack of whatever...

The Leadership Needs

Leaders live and die for their ideals
Leaders shows right example, unaffected by money, popularity, position or other temptations
Leaders can lead from front as well ready to serve behind the scene

A Nature's Riddle!

Those black eyes had all the emotions hidden as turmoil underneath the sea invisible on its waves.
I had longed for it several years at a stretch and both of us knew. I started observing her eyes as if there is...

A Weavers Dream!

Success is the result of many things done in a consistent way. Failure is a natural state.
The moment we are living the life which is far less than what we are capable of, we find our days are filled with dissatisfaction and frustration. And unless one is successful in his ...

A Road Less Traversed!

For long time I felt life is about to begin…the REAL life. A life full of vigor, passion, joy and contribution.
I was thinking the way towards it is after appraisals, after closing EMI’s, after a patch up, few successful trades and even by upgrading to an SUV....


A Latest Love

​February, a bit emotional season!, if there is an expectation, logic, thoughts of gain, sense of control, measurements then it is more of economics and certainly not emotional.

Economics is a brain game, whist emotions ignite heartbeats, a quick poetry on that line!

An E - to - L Journey!

After speaking sessions, I had people sharing about their entrepreneur pursuits and were eager to discuss.

I found it was repeating in recent days and made me feel to draw a few correlations. In this season, I did get a chance to think and articulate. 

New Year 2018

Wish you 2018 be year full of happiness and success!....

Live By Heart! -  2017 Articles

If we don't nothing else will!

Have you ever kept same thought for six months at a stretch?
I did.  I declared my goal of writing a career book in a management session. I had fewer clue on how I would I accomplish it. Yet, some part of part me was telling,
if at all you are going to do that then that would be now or never.

A Blue Moon!

I learnt staying inspired for 30 minutes will be similar to going to gym for 3 days, does not help.
What matters is staying inspired, exited and energetic for 3 to 30 years. Difference would be
evident in our circle, our organization or even the
world around....

Festivals of Light!

Light dispel darkness.
Darkness in mind can be dispelled by awareness, physical agility aids it. When body- mind relation
works at best, we reap maximum out of the moment we have today.  All our learning and endeavors should help us towards achieving that harmony...

Come September!

When I see on calendar I start to get urgency to complete the tasks embarked in the beginning of the year. It works like a wakeup call, trying to convey me, one more year is passing in life, a gift of almighty getting over unused fully; with no exchange or redeem later option.

Live By Heart!-Declarations

I am as good as my association and my daily practices
When I take my step forward, next steps will be revealed
Passion and talent are staircase of my progress, I exert my best today.Talents I have will expire with my body, my days are numbered
Human betterment is one step forward ...

A Magic Wand!

Life is finite, desires are infinite.
Few of us naturally have clarity in early life, about one or two areas, we spend time focused and excel in those chosen field.  For majority, a constant strife, tossing between the desires, pursuits and dreams seems natural. Those desires may wary based on what is in limelight, what is socially accepted ...

Love at Every Sight!

Talking about soul mates is difficult. It can be made easier by knowing how the universe functions, starting point is understanding ourselves.
Falling in love sounds strange for most; yet common thing which can happen in one’s life; may be as often as daily!....


June days has joyous radiance of milder sun rays, so soothing that I forget there is office to catch up!
When I pass through the places I had frequented years back, I find everything as it was, the roads, trees, hills and most of them. Thoughts I used to carry while on those trips were distinguish. While I recollect those, ...

Dying Before Death!

We cannot afford to lose the best days of 2017 without extracting maximum benefit out it.
I had pondered, wondered and bewildered about life more than death. Somehow I believed, one day all my dreams would come true. May be I was made to believe, as most were leading life same....

Happy Women's Day

Today, I cannot resist myself anymore, I am pouring my heart out! I learned a bigger lesson; to respect women for what transformation they are capable to bring in one’s life.
Years have passed since that first glimpse, I can still see you in that Pink.....

A Principle of Opposites

Principles are universal in nature, unbounded by human interventions. Earth’s gravity is one such example. Deeper principles will be made known to those who traverse the path. An outsider with curiosity and no practice, will not only stumble but soon quits the path...

A Success Story 

Many times I have been asked, ‘What is the definition of ‘Success’?’ .  Mostly in my sessions or during one-to-ones. I see a genuine concern and confusion which actually has to be addressed right way. 

I put my two cents on the ‘Success’ in this monthly edition...

Valentine's Day Poetry

Sparkling diamond eyes,
Rose petal cheeks,
Childlike attitude, Slender neck with skinny fold marks,
Smile that of independent spirit,
Ancient eastern ear hangings,
Moonlight western fairness,
Dark dense hovering fragrant hairs,
As smooth as that of silken cloth..

Lovely 2017

Wish you a lovely new year 2017!


I am excited.  the work NEW invokes freshness, joy and
positive in me.  Why so? Maybe the OLD is something we have already seen and no excitement is left in that.  My question .

What were once new and exciting, which we feel now as
old and stale what is the difference? ...


Happy New Year 2017

My BIG 5!
I believe, accept or adopt: I am the creator of my 2017. Nothing happens to me by itself, except deteriorate, I am responsible; not people nor gods. They have done their best & it’s my time to do my best.  I arrive at a mission statement: Which excites, stretches and makes me better each day. 

Live By Heart or Mind!

Sufi Saint Rumi once remarked, there are lot of ways to reach the supreme…and his was love.
He was clear.  I observed there are two distinct ways of living or approaches to life. Both ways can give us the success we dream deserve or strive far. I call them, living by heart and the living by Mind...

My Diwali here again..!

Five days of festival, from Dhanteresa to Yama dwithiya, to beget blessings of mother Lakshmi, which follows for entire Samvat New Year.
My favorite activity of the season starts after sharad poornima and continuous till Dhnteresa. It’s CLEANSING. 

The last few pages!

An intimate thought-provoking Travelogue of a father & son; strikingly warmer, makes the reader ponder on the meaning of life. Touchingly narrated....


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Articles on life experiences, poetry, management, leadership and trainings

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