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Campus to Corporate
A concise street smart guide to world class career success!


- Jan 2018


If you are looking for a career in information technology industry, this book gives an overview of the life ahead. Provides practical direction for people who are beginning, those who have begun corporate career and who are already making at it very best on their own.


Each of them has a piece of cake reserved. Concise enough to suit today’s fast life reader, book gives them the essence needed without adding spice. If you know the destination and understand how to reach there quickly; journey itself can be enjoyable and much rewarding.

A career guide simply helps in whatever stage of it you are in. By preparing for the opportunities at hand, to look ahead, help to transform thinking and subtly gears up mindset required for next level of achievement that you are going to come across in your career in few years’ time ahead.


Ideas discussed here can also help any industry where people are primary inputs. Though Indian IT industry is focused as example, it helps for organic growth in career and also reap human potential fully.

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The Reminiscences of a True Love
A fable of JOY!


- Jan 2020


An epic journey of self-discovery by an ordinary boy Dev and girl Ishu together becoming extraordinary. 
Love makes one to feel life is never-ending. The pure bliss one can attain with the help of the other, the soul mates, are priceless. Making life worth living, striving to be better amidst seemingly unending challenges. When soul mates are together they aim to help get the best out of each other.
Vividly imaginative on what a love can be, uniquely strung, and truly original. While the story tickles and sticks to the heart for a longer time, it makes individual start living, heart-out.
Adopts, no-nonsense straight to the point approach. Lucidly illustrative self-talk way gives ample time to think, ponder and stay connected till the last line. Whilst the readers skim through the life lessons, which attempts to cross the horizon that always look at distant every time.
If two people can make life, then two characters can make a novel.

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Live by Heart!
Inner principles for lasting results


- April 2022


In my pursuit of success, I observed most are inspired towards immediate goals. The goals such as, to get admired, holding on to the love, good appraisals and how to position oneself against peers, competitors and neighbours.


Further, the approach they adopted primarily focused on the decision-makers, to be tolerant of the significant other, their ego, stay politically correct, have evidence to prove points and to speak those words which counterpart wishes to hear.


At times it came with inability to call a spade- a - spade, suppressing true emotions and showcasing a plastic smile.

Amidst my pursuit, I did come across the opposite of the above but comparatively less in numbers.


A seventy plus healthy rich CEO’s radiating joy, contented ripe couples and energetic youthful-looking adults with a carefree attitude. They all had glittering eyes, shiny skin, a genuine smile that connect instantly and evident self-respect. And they had one thing in common; their life was organized around their passion.


While my thoughts became clearer along with my life experiences, I jotted them for my clarity, made convictions on how to carry myself day to day, what attitude I need to pick up, and what examples I need to surround or emulate plus how to cope with the regular ways of others to stay unperturbed.


I did conclud my persuit with self-satisfying answers. It moved me from trivial many to vital few, giving me the inward focus necessary for day to day love, joy and abundance.


Here, I am sharing very those with you.

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