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A Colouful Light!

Writer: NCNC

Classes just finished at the usual time, but lessons were not.  Walking downstairs,

Ishu said, ‘I knew you were coming today; the early morning air had conveyed to me already!

I exclaimed, ‘So sweet!’ 

Then whispered in her ear, ‘Even the air knows about our alchemy!’

And continued, ‘Hmm the sour part is you are still engrossed by your mind-games’

I got a response; a pale glance, a half smile, a forced twinkle in eyes.

After being with her for some time, I knew that some questions have no answers and life wants me to experience the moments it gives.  Time is usually an invisible part of the outcome we look forward to.  When the time is ripe, answers appear.

How was class? She asked. 

A question is to change the topic; maybe the time is not yet ripe enough.

I tuned myself to the moment and said,

Marvelous, I just enjoy your company throughout, without a break!

I knew! She replied.   

I saw mischief in her eyes, and she tried to hide it as if being caught.

We waved and parted for the day.

Mind way is to look out for excuses or reasons , not to accept what is evident.   But then we chase things which are at a distance and forget to focus on what is at our hands or arm's length. 

Nature always provides what we need in and around our presence.  It may not be the same as what our mind wishes for, but much near to it.

Real Intelligence is in identifying it at the earliest instance, to gain Time factor to our advantage.  Indentify it because it is so evident and it repeats with a unique sensation which is identifiable, as similar to the same taste we had enjoyed earlier.  

I waited for her, no matter what time it takes. I was clear. There was unfulfilled or even fulfilled time between us that was abruptly ended in past, over a hundred years.   I don’t know fully the miseries both souls have gone through or going through to refine the tendencies which need still polishing. 

This is how the soul evolves and so are the soul mates.  How do we identify them?

Life has a crisscross pattern created over many life relationships overlapping till the fulfillment happens, for good or bad.  And it ends.   In case it is a tragedy, it would continue till each gets satisfaction or accepts or releases the emotions accumulated ever since.

When we take this as a path, to release all the torments created over lives, and then we become a worrier in disguise of a seeker. I learnt.

  • If I don’t know how to react to an event appropriately, I take a chance to keep quiet or ignore as if I am not aware of the situation, consciously or unconsciously.

  • All the setbacks I face are to test my preparedness and to ensure I step up with strong footing at each stage towards the destiny with right understanding.

Feeling too heavy to digest these lines?

Certainly it should not be, if you have already taken baby steps towards 'live by heart!' approach.   

The whole thing is wonderfully presented in the song , which automatically comes up on lips every Diwali.

Happy Samvath New Year!




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