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Leadership 4.0 Dr.Debashis Chatterjee

Updated: Mar 30, 2019

Leaders keeps learning.

Ever since I picked it up, I am pursuing every opportunity in doing so.

This has lead me during the week to Dr.Debashis Chatterjee on leadership 4.0, an executive IIM Kozhikode program. The awareness session was hosted by CII & IIMK, earlier had conducted at Chandigarh and Amritsar.

After inauguration HH Yaduveer Wadiyar, has said, It is now the time for a push from the young leaders being global citizens, in this global narrative, to accelerate the progress from the existing leaders in adding values to the society.

Here are a few powerful leadership points I learnt during the event.

  • Leadership 1.0 till 3.0 talks earlier approaches starting from the bodily strengths till industrial era and 4.0 discussions are about what is relevant in this knowledge era.

  • Leaders don’t spoon feed the team. They should surround themselves with persons who knows more than the leader him or herself.

  • Leadership is ability to respond in real time. Ability to respond to real life challenges at what was thrown at you.

  • Ignorance is unlimited and knowledge is limited.

  • Definitions are changing fast. Phones have become texting devices; Watches need to do more things. Malls are no more for shopping, but for entertainment. Like mirror loosing meaning because you are getting older.

  • Poor has better repayment history than the riches towards the loans.

  • Leaders create movement. Devotion is required on their work. It is not the type of work. The Wine TV is that example. People who follow your devotion give you the leadership. Most of us don’t know the potential we have.

  • Truth aches. So we rely on soft lies. Identify what lies you have told to yourself. You have been lying to yourself to feed your ego.

  • If you have lied once it is understandable. If it is twice then it is question of integrity.

  • Authenticity develops overtime; improve the gap between you and yourself. It’s about what could I have done differently.

  • What assumptions you have made. Is baby born or father is born? Constantly challenge your assumptions. know your NPA – Non performing assumptions.

  • When a teenage daughter shuts the door on the face of father it indicates he has not done his role rightly in becoming a friend as the child grew. It simply indicates he is grown older and not grown up.

  • Average CEO Term is 1.5 years. Because of the ego, they are out of the reality. You have lost the heart, mind of the people you serve but still hanging on the roles like CEO or father.

  • Humans can respond and then evolve. Machines react. If you have junk, call it so and remove it.

  • Unless you win next generation’s mindset, you cannot win business with them. Every generation is about new set of ideas. And we have to listen to them; a generation is 5 years term.

  • Investment in life should be maximum. Not on the job. One can give you a position, not the leadership. Connections should be made on the trust and not on the past accomplishments.

  • Identify the undo list on the habits that limit your potential.

  • To innovate increase your questions. Keep identifying the patterns. So performance can equate to possibility.

  • In a sports team if your performance goes down below the average performance of the team, you are out of it. Same should be applicable in leadership roles.

  • Keep only 3 activities in a day, rest outsource it. Otherwise you are doing a clerks work, for a false feeling of security.

  • Put people in hot water, enabling to learn themselves. Theory is needed for support.

  • A leader does reality checks. What percentage of time your passion occupies in a day vs. everything else you do.

Do what you like, when you follow what you like, people will follow you. Make connect with others using it and just manage what you are not good at. Don't attempt to improve it.
  • If you don’t know who you are you, you are wasting your time. It will not take where you want to be. In 24 hours you have 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of work. Remaining 8 hours where leaders utilize to discriminate from the distraction.

  • In case the lens has a problem, then there is no point having a better shutter speed. What is your ability to focus?

  • The New York Times, editor experience with 800 followers on Face book, when invited to dinner only 1 turns up at the event. Just networking will not work.

  • In this knowledge era best businesses don’t own the production. Like UBER, KIVA, ETSY.

  • Algorithm is a new nice and sexy name for formula.

  • You are preparing for a world which is not going to be there. News papers are only telling you what have been told to them to tell you.

  • You don’t spend time on what you are good at, find it out quickly. Have genuine 5 friends who would tell it to you so, and can give you real-time feedback to help and correct yourself.

  • Know what people are looking for, to lead in your area.

  • We don’t see, hence don’t believe. People can do 3000 push-ups a day. Change your perception to act differently.

  • Humans can do anything, but you don’t challenge yourself on what one can do. Even I don’t know what results I or you could get. Let’s do and see.

  • Molecules, atoms, ions are all the stories which were sold to you. And one day you would be a story. What kind of story that needs to be.

  • You are nothing but set of experiences. And you have become a prisoner of your experiences, because you don’t want to challenge them. Your experience can be your friend or enemy.

  • Before sleeping every night, practice to look at your day in a reverse video mode. And reconfigure based on where you have failed at.

  • What made me happier going to Himalayas is the part of me which was not connected with myself earlier. That selfless self we need to connect every day. Like Deer looks for whole jungle for the Kasturi fragrance which is actually emitting from its own navel.

  • Whatever you wanted in last 15 years, most of them you have got it. But chase is still continuing, it’s a mental model which needs to be rechecked.

  • Work hard with brain and heart, immerse yourself then the eureka moment happens.

More about the program in the below attachment.


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