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A Philosopher's Stone!

Writer: NCNC

Updated: Feb 5, 2022

Arrive at your personal philosophy.

I completed explaining the point to a group of MBA students at a recent session in Mysore. A participant asked, Is it not too early to consider it?

Maybe the right question from her point of view. Well, if one starts it, then it can be improved over time. And it usually requires a considerable amount of time than one thinks. And that prompted me to share a gist of my personal philosophy, a near latest version! as an example.

In the last 25 years, I have done things I wished to do. Some things satisfied me, some things are still hanging on and some things have given me lessons. Viz., engineering studies, working abroad,

management studies, corporate career, music, marriage, spirituality, training, writing, farming, stock investing and entrepreneurship.

Current reality demands to look at the next 25 years. I have realized, the future exists for those who are ready to create it. Circumstances themselves would not rise up to one's expectations. A roadmap is essential to avoid going blank or in case of adversities. Things that are presently hovering in my mind are writing, stock trading, yoga, movies, training, consulting and entrepreneurship.

A life of success and contribution is usually a bumpy ride for a real aspirant. Personal philosophy is a result of self-awakening, which requires sustained efforts amidst calmness and working on one’s own personality, taking up nature’s cues, relying on past

patterns of own life, and working with persons who are ahead in the path. Takes time, efforts and money and is generally avoided by 80% opting mostly living a reactive life or a socially acceptable life. True, philosophy matures over some time.

I started observing my mood with those things which put me on a consistent high. Like, expressing creative views, sweating with physical work, a heart to heart talk etc., observation helped me to understand myself, my priorities, my limitations and my aspirations. I reworked until I found they are no mere desires, but the ones which elevates me. I need activities that energize me on the go.

The in-between statuses like, hanging on to what is already there, something is better than nothing kind, perusing same things and expecting the results I want, sticking to a safer zone etc., no more adds me energy in my day-to-day life.

I enjoy real things, real people and real purposes. I wish to surround myself with those who radiate similar frequency, contribute to things that can be reused and that helps everyone involved. I can associate with people, relationships, friends, business associates, labourers, mentees or mentors who align and helps in the direction I am leading to, entirely based on their interest to be part of it. It’s about adding value to the people who value my knowledge, efforts and time.

I have also observed people around me has all facilities but no vigour. It scares me. I don’t need any activities, things or individuals which drains me. Certainly not the company of those who are living dead or running towards others goals.

Getting rid of anything externals is possible, but getting rid of self is a crime. This is what I will be doing if I continue living life as ignorant of the above facts. This clarity has dawned into my skull with nearly three years of efforts.

Soon I have clarity on pursuits, it helps me to drive my next decades meaningfully; towards life which should make me feel proud for creating it, living it and enjoying it and sharing it with others. When such an environment is not around, I pursue those activities which at least adds value to myself!

Earning a livelihood to reach a comfortable standard of life is a need of most. Which can be addressed by proper financial planning and execution, for one’s financial freedom. By improving ones life's standard, does not necessarily mean to increase in peace, health, happiness or satisfaction. At any stage, these things have to be constantly skimmed. I am not particularly attaching monetary meaning to any of my pursuits. Money matters. Not at the cost of doing something I love. Income should be part of the activities which we enjoy.

However, it should not be a limiting factor. Definitely arrive at a self-sustain model with all the pursuits. Identified activities will be done wholeheartedly with systematized thinking, be able to scale up, and definitely with WIN-WIN or no deal approach towards all stakeholders. The real test of knowledge lies in the utility of it. Results should speak of the work one does and the example he or she sets. Any failure in the path would still leave me with a feeling that I have put my best in the direction I set out courageously. Money can be a meagre or enormous based on the amount of success involved.

Certainly not a popularity contest nor expecting a welcome everywhere. I employ my time towards multiplying efforts. The addition is slower, like working for hourly wages. I would not wait for things to shape up rather work towards it. would not wait for people to show up their support but ask for it. Get focused on those who align. If I am not committed to my goals, I would not achieve them.

There are tools, but success depends on oneself. Knowledge may be provided, but putting that into action is on the individual. People react for pleasure or pain. When I work on the areas which I care about, showcase customer’s pain area, provide a solution for it, articulate on why me only, followed with a system and then duplicate it. Success will be ahead.

I am exchanging my diminishing time with my pursuits. Key differentiation should be in the kind of activities being done. Time given has to be utilized right to say I have done my best. Days are always numbered, decreases every day till it all gets over, usually before I get to know so.

The daily mission of serving others, shared from the place of love, based on my experience and learning, should make my days filled with joy, contribution and growth, whilst savoring every bit of the moment strive arriving at it.

To be successful at material or spiritual, I must organize my life to do what I enjoy, a highway of living meaningfully with purpose, love and dignity

I am ending the gist here!


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