She was happily dancing herself, with a subtle smile on her face, the movements without any sort of hindrances, flowing with the rhythm of music along with her fall-like hair.
I looked at her, twice, to convey my admiration for her flow-like movements. Now I can see that she is avoiding eye contact. I tried once more, same response. I can’t awaken a waking person. I gave up.
Eyes are windows to the soul; messages can easily pass through if the frequency is matched. I do not like to invade anyone’s privacy. If any message is meant to be the universe will arrange it rightly, this has been my stand, certainly not used as an excuse. Maybe my admiration for her dance still needs the help of ‘words’.
People who are happy themselves spreads it to anyone around them freely. For an entire day, her face keeps reappearing in front of my mind’s eye for no reason. In the evening batch, she had time for me after her class;
Walking downstairs along with, I said, your magnetism is amplified with Kajol and Kumkum!
Ishu remarked, ‘I knew you would say this.
I said, 'possibly because you wanted to hear it from me'.
Ishu nodded smilingly and said smarty.
I continued, I saw you applying Kajol looking at the mirror along with the above thoughts. Kumkum is just the cherry on the cake.
Both of us were clear on nature’s interventions in our meetings; In fact, she has said, your connection is going well with me these days.
I said, 'True, looks network congestions are lesser and blinked at her'
I invited her home for snakcs or even for a cup of coffee. I still had her normal excuses. My view was to take an informed decision. It has been quite a time for both of us to ignore nature que and then overlap them with our prejudices and judgments.
At late I have completely given up myself in nature's hands, since then miracles are a way of nature speaking to me. And ignoring its que is now a crime. I can’t do that for anything and at the same time, I need to learn to tame my impatience, which often surfaces harsly in my day trading too!.
Lessons are clear.
Allow the time factor to ripen the mango or event or even the haste. Transformation is nature's best gift for us and all events are meant to drive towards it.