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An evening with Gaur Gopal Das

Writer: NCNC

Updated: Mar 26, 2019

"Fun, mischievous, surge of energy put together with wisdom" This is what I felt.
Gaur Gopal Das

For people who are yet know Gaur Gopal Das, he is an Indian lifestyle coach, motivational speaker from ISKON.

KSOU Convention Hall was full with eighteen hundred participants, expecting life changing lessons from the monk.

A charitable talk show 'Live Right, Feel Great' hosted by RupeeTrees foundation .

Here are the key takeaways which I could gather in those 2 hours.

  • Tasty food, will not feel enough even if you eat life time. You feel a sense of joy while having it. A WOW moment. This is same in case of having good clothes, keeping a BWM, iphone or a 4 bedroom house, all for a sense of feeling high.

  • Whether you keep BMW or Maruti Suzuki – Road remains same, destination where you go remains same.

  • Whether you use iphone or Samsung – person whom you talk remains same.

  • Whether you live in 4 bedroom apartment or 2 bedroom house, people who you are with remains same. It’s not that you upgrade your spouse with bigger houses. If they suck, 4 bedrooms apartment does not matter.

  • Nothing wrong in those items. Don’t get engrossed by those collections. People are immersed in having so much they forget the living. With right living, feeling great in everything we do comes natural. Than chasing the false high's.

  • In any flight, there is takeoff, landing and turbulence in between. It is not in our control. The birth, death and the problems. What is in our control is the choice we make. Nobody escapes the turbulence, expertise of the pilot helps to navigate it. Are you a weak pilot or strong one?

  • Life is not for crying. I can keep crying on the pains I have throughout the life or rise above it and make it feel smaller. You don’t have choices for the circumstances, but you have choice in how you feel about it. This is the biggest gift of creator for the humanity. In fact unlimited control on how you feel about anything.

  • When there is no choice in the circumstances, accept it. Acceptance, it does not mean you stop trying to improve upon it. Even with acceptance, if the problem is not solving then rise above it.

  • Don’t ever hope your problems will go away. The challenges follow one after the other whole life.

The CAR Principle

  • C – CHANGE what you can

  • A – ACCEPT what it is, while improving upon it. Or remove yourself from the unacceptable situation.

  • R – RISE above the unacceptable. So it looks smaller.

  • Rains will not stop, your choice to keep umbrella can help, with less wetting.

  • Except the unborn nobody is perfect. If nobody is perfect, then you are going to see the other side sooner. Closure you are, faster you see. Everybody comes with a package.

  • Dark shades may not be visible when you are in love. It appears when you live with them closely.

  • People who you have close proximity have the most influence on your happiness and suffering. Greatest pain comes from the nearest people. A stranger on street will not give much suffering. More the people you get closure to, more the pains you get.

  • This is same with your spouse, children, friends, bosses, and even with parents. They are not gods. We are told see god in them. Good in them, to get the support you needed in your turbulence time. Nobody is perfect here except the creator.

  • When you accept the good side of a person, know there is dark side invisible now. Use mantra ‘Om Ignoraya Namah’ for your peace. Learn to ignore, pretend having not seen it. It helps give you the support you needed at your critical stages. To rise above you need a shoulder to support.

  • Sometimes you may even have to ignore the bigger darkness, to sustain the support system. Support system is important, it gives hope. Example, tolerating a negative boss for the necessity of having a job

  • World trade center with 102 floors appeared so huge when I stood in front of it. Same thing appeared smaller from my flight on my way back.

  • While eating, food particle may get struck with a tooth. And our tongue goes often there to clear it . It is natural. Same thing with the problems. We tend to go there often. Know there are thirty one other teeth which are normal and comfortable. So count your blessings and be thankful.

  • Don’t count what is going wrong in your life. Thankful people are happy people.

  • Don’t conclude what is good or bad, the bad happening now may be a good when you look back later.

  • Problems are natural, anger is natural, so is hatred, pain from people, you have no control. But you have choice to exercise greatness, love, and sympathy.

  • You need to connect to right resources. Like tap water with overhead tank, electricity with a power source money from bank etc. to get helped.

  • Every choice has consequences. Know them before hand. Then follow your heart to decide. Then stick to it. Mistakes still happens.

  • Race is what you do alone. With God it becomes grace.


And the fun part, without mentioning it the evening is incomplete. In fact you feel it so when speaker does go off the stage, making fun with audience.

  • Good that people are here, in spite IPL going on, monks are new age celebrities.

  • Just because you own iphone you cannot call to whom your want to talk to.

  • Earlier fears were public speaking, death and height. Now it is low battery, no signal and still buffering.

  • Parents say to children if you complete 10th exams then rest all is fun, same they tell after +2, after degree, after job and after marriage. Is there any fun in these?, ask people who have crossed it.

  • People say I did not learn anything new after hearing me, except that I paid price for it.

  • Love at first sight, diverse at first fight. Don’t say after my visit, divorces rose by 36%.

  • I don’t buy anything; everything I get comes as gift. Choose your career wisely.

  • I have apple watch, monks like fruits.

  • If life is about crying then let’s do it in BMW.

  • A wife was asked by a doctor, how is your headache. Reply he gets – he is out of town.

  • When a wife sees a husbands What’s App message from another lady, she can use ‘Om Ignoraya namaha’

  • No body looks as good as face book profile or as bad as adhar card picture

  • You are the best audience in the whole world. And I say that wherever I go.



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