I am straight to the point this time!
Yes, I could not find any better way to express myself but write to you exclusively. I had been waiting for your time, purely due to nature’s play indicating destiny together, the karmic debt, and nature’s ROI anticipation in the investments it has been made carefully in us over generations!
Before I voice it out to you I have validated this multiple times to ensure myself it is not my fantasy or prey of my own illusion based on looks, feel or touch. True, time tested over 48 months.
Your touch makes me unconsciously feel like I have to hold on to your fingers, just like a baby holds on to elders, it is no longer a casual sensual touch of a girl but reminds me of being with my mother as a kid, a feeling of belongingness, cared-ness or just homely. Whenever you are nearby, I feel like to put my hand on your shoulders. I don’t analyze why you pull off yourselves quickly on such occasions, you please own it.
Resisting time to be with me, to avoid a fall like your past instances and being scared of such repetition, avoid prey to mental dramas, saying attraction is fatal, it deviates life goals or even socially not as acceptable etc.
Worst of all this entire junk, What if your karmas still successfully avoided your destiny?
For me, goal, destiny, purpose, fulfilment, and satisfaction do not appear as separate entities. Attachments that, create emotions, anger when not fulfilled and remorse even if it does get fulfilled but do not turn out to be the way we think.
But, attachment is about aligning completely me with nature, recreating the oneness with the creator, enhancing the energy levels to work, working with his grand design which may span many years or lives, and being consciously completely part of his game.
So question of right or wrong, would not be as relevant as it used to be. Life’s many wrongs have proved to be right and vice versa over time, hence being completely out of emotional traps which are created within.

And need is for anyone mature enough or such approach to life and accept it in every way. I could find only a couple of them in my journey so far.
People whom I touched with these thoughts, found only to understand a portion of it intellectually and messed the destiny guidance or seeing its play in their life daily. They stayed where they were, could not develop confidence in themselves and their lifestyle, the practices do not hold the universal energy connect continuously.
They saw all these as mere fantasy or at best that this was not for them. In fact, such a calling is there for every soul in every life; very few have picked that up as we see in the scriptures with Radha. Radhas’s friend who Leela just ignored such a calling then has to wait till to be reborn as Meera and fulfill it. All of us share the same providence but very few can comprehend it as an actual possibility.
I know you are intelligent enough to grasp the seriousness beyond these words and get onto the gist. Any deviation from destiny can create an effect like a whirl, unable to get out of it as easily as it was appealing to the mind considering a short-term time frame.
Lastly, it is not yet another story; Its a personal message. Like in everyone’s life, the story was written by different choices we have taken in the past (even past lives) and we re-live the story by becoming protagonists!
Yours only!
Read full story at http://amzn.in/fMH0Hj1