Whatever excites can also control. It can enslave, may make stepdown from the leadership to that of mediocrity. And mediocrity does not satisfy anyone for a long time. It does not give the fulfilment, as it is operating from the senses, the mind and not from heart, true feelings.
The mind expands through experiences. Interestingly, that extension can happen through a single experience of anything, for an awakened mind. Repetitions are not necessary. If the mind is limited by selfishness, it tells, you have to be always alert and keep several faces to please situations, people and to have a plastic smile.
Suggest get out of such a living, there is a better way, work from your heart, it’s all know-er because at the subconscious level everything is connected. People, animal, birds, plants, air, water, sun, moon, everything. And once you learn the language of heart you become part of eternity.
While forgiving yourself for being with the flow, for the sake of experiencing it, then analyze are they your true calling? Next correct. If unable to examine, it means a bigger problem.
Look no fault in others, as they are plenty. If you start figuring out, you can find a dozen within a minute. Problems are there because you are looking for it. If you look for knowledge, a possibility, an example, a trait then that can also be seen in the same minute.
Instead, observe your face, eyes, the burden it is carrying, the judgments, the thinking, which mostly hovers around what is not done, what is not said, it worries about the future, immerses in the past and misses the present, a moment that can seed a grand possibility.
Understand the mind to master it, to make an alliance with the progress. Know, it is the self-created ego, that doesn’t allow seeing what is ahead. Ego has made to miss on the opportunities in life. While in front of better examples instead of seeking it, that has made you to shrunk within. And nothing is wrong in all these; as long one believe that as a way of life.
The heart has tried to push across the barrier and you also have taken a few baby steps once a while, but it is not sufficient, to lead a transformation. If your love is inconsistent it’s no good for you or me, you can’t create a new world with half-heartedness, half-filled purposes and half-truths.
You are thinking to close your life to end all these inner miseries?, Rather, I would say, you have not even started living the life. What is that you are and what is that you can be. Just do an honest self-appraisal. You don’t need to base that on other's views about you.
And you are the same person who had dreams, bigger ones, and the limitless desires as a teenager. You had that confidence and a world winning attitude.
I told my mom; see the kids so happy and joyous with small gifts, completely lost in the moment without the past or future. Mom replied, ‘yes because they don’t understand the reality’.
I was taken aback. By knowing the reality, by learning, by education, by being intelligent enough to survive in this world, by understanding the way it works, if all these take away our capacity to live in the moment, what is the whole point in it? A total waste; it’s not a life, its a death, ghostly; they suffer from the suppressed emotions, un-answered questions, as they have not taken time to understand but avoided. Avoided living in the moment, throughout life.
Dissect the mind; find what is there, is it fear, worries, uncertainties, lack of clarity, purity, purposes, why it can’t appreciate or accept a thing as is, the beauty as is. What is the use of such a mind, if it can’t create happiness to its owner, what it can do to the people around it? So much struck with me, myself, my family, my children, and at the same time complain they are the source of your misery. It can’t see is the other person as yourself, other kids as similar to own kids, but become unhappy with what is yours, by mere comparison.
What you have strived so for, is not useful as you thought it would be. Instead of accepting it, continued denying and hold on to what is not serving. Not realizing it’s your life, your breath that is really at stake.
Education did not give it that and cannot give it any further too; it can give a living, but not the fulfilment. It has cut down the wings and made you look for the opportunities, instead of creating possibilities.
Detach from the need to possess everything you see. Learn to use a thing which fits the purpose. Take risks, appreciate, give chances to people, collaborate, if you are real, you get your stage. If you don’t, you are still happier because you are better than your yesterday; you are breaking your own shell.
Look at a seed, to sprout it has to break its shell, get out of comfort zone, merge with soil, water, air, sun and believe there is a better future with this temporary pain. Otherwise, it remains as a seed and gets cooked.
Once decided to get out of that comfort zone; it has to withstand the weather, weeds, and pests then finally flower, become a fruit, and to spread its message with many more seeds. Now stronger, by its life experiences and its genes carry further.
It also had a choice to keep quiet and don’t take risks. What would have happened, live a life of complaints, un-fulfilment and get eaten up by a bigger creature, and in our case, the time? Forgetting, it too can grow to a big tree; give shade around, solace to the people, birds, and animals pass by.
Death is certain in both the cases, here at least there is a possibility to win life by living on your terms, however brief or long, but can give fulfilment, joy, radiance, sparkle, similar to what you had in your childhood. From that, you have access to become a limitless bundle of joy, enthusiasm, a chance to become ‘new you’, not the slave of circumstance anymore but learn from it, once attained, it can spread to anyone who comes in contact with you.
I work closely with successful people having accolades of degrees, positions and live on a bunch of medicines every day, to stay fit, to continue the wrong battle, for the wrong values, for the numbers, targets, deliveries and deadlines. I didn’t see the bundle of joy, a sparkle in eyes nor the sense of humour.
While I did come across such once in a blue moon, it gave me an indication yes it is possible to have both, you don’t need to exclude the one for the want of other. For that one need to strengthen the wings, to fly, stay afloat with uniqueness which has brought this body, this time, and this opportunity called life.
Solution?, becoming child again, open for learning and being curious, creative. Don’t opt for shortcuts , be willing to pay; regrets are usually more painful than learning to strengthen the wings.
True, I understand your world; I get the nitty-gritty of it and what it can do and don’t. I have been there much before; I learnt how to break my shell because I believed in my mentor’s abilities.