Don’t crib; nor find faults on what or who is there in life around you now. They are the right set of people, circumstances and shunning them is shunning life, shunning personal growth.
If you think you deserve better create such environment amidst.
Everyone around here is for some reason and if you feel overwhelmed with emotion about your connection with them is a sure sign of the last few days with them.
As you improve you can find there are more rooms for improvements. But when you have no knowledge about it same circumstances has served you well. See them, recognize them, learn from them, detach from them. They are the ingredients for growth, acceptance, in understanding the law of karma and valuing the support of nature. If one can pick that early, teaching will be faster and closes sooner. It’s just right, don’t stretch, expand or give meaning to it.
If you are working and mind is elsewhere how one can get success. Understand, is your endeavor making your mind happy. Is it inspiring your life as you go? Doing multiple things keeps one engaged but don’t lead anywhere. If you miss the focus on the higher pursuit, days will be spilled over with trivial, and you don’t know how the time has passed, similar to last the decade. Waiting does not change reality. Days would not become better by it-self. It’s a flaw of mind. Trivial will sap the energy to focus and scatters the power to create.
Your necessity is peace. Searching that outside is an illusion, it is not necessary that something else outside can give that. Set a path to tread, yes it’s a burdensome work, but essential for success, and satisfied living. That path would be completely about yourself and your heart.
I get your dilemma; you are skeptical about the force which is trying to uplift your spirit. The love you have seen maybe only an attraction, a give and take transaction, making another emotional;
Soul mates, true friends you don’t need to search they come to you when you have opened up. If there is an element of personal gain, then they can’t meet. Whether they meet or not, your feelings in eyes and heart need to remain the same, so lessons pour in. Poison, elixir both are there in the world.
True love brings you an opportunity to transform your aches, pains to an everlasting bliss. It’s transformational. When it comes, open up the arms and welcome it, hold no barrier from your side. Let it consumes you fully and a minute later you see you have turned into gold in that flame. In future, anyone who comes in contact with you does get that flame start flicker inside them.
Just be the observer of the thoughts which are arising out of your mind, be a witness, take down the message it is conveying. It only wants best for you. Note, gross minds are not prepared for such transformation. Don’t bother about them; it’s not a group activity.
When it has chosen you it has a reason beyond it. You are not going to own it. It is a connection which is passing through you, a medium only. Whenever you feel it because of yourself, immediately you are set alone without that energy and you become a burden to yourself. Just be the messenger who passes the message, nothing more, and nothing less. And don’t pick that arrogance, the reason you and I may not see fully now. Trust love guides to our destiny, believe in it.
If it is easy, everyone would have done it, but it is possible for everyone, that’s why it has comes to you. Many have done it successfully. You can too.
Love is the essence of human life, the highest state one can achieve; there is nothing more valuable. It has the power to rejuvenate you through your mind, stretching to your body, then to the spirit and finally the surroundings where you are in, they too benefit.
It is not understood by the people who look at it as a transaction, security, a lifelong commitment, social status, for popularity or for the want of money. A sense of owning itself shows it’s not learnt fully yet.
Breaking the barrier of your own mind is so difficult at times, learn it somehow, through your own way or following the way preached by earlier lucky ones. Once done correctly, you can see everything around you is capable of communicating to you. The plants, animals, trees, invisible beings, try to establish a connection with you. The reason, you have now connected with that supreme universal principle through love.
No one but you has to uplift your-self to be eligible to understand the concepts in its true form.
Don’t think this reading as a mere play of words. Words are at its best trying to convey the essence understandably, don’t doubt it. Enjoy what world offers, while preserving your innocence, arrive at your personal philosophy, live it fully, till the day you feel proud of what you have become by running your own race.
I understand your world. I too had doubts, but each time I chose to make my faith stronger because I believed in my mentors' abilities.