September reminds me I am nearing close of the year. Coming days are more filled with festival spirit and holidays in India. It does take significant attention from my side too. As mentioned in my earlier September posts, it creates in me an urge to close the pending things, reminds me to realign with the promises I have made at the beginning of the year.

As a best practice, I have pasted my big five in-front of my eyes. So it’s natural to go through in that order.
Daily review of my goals.
It helps me to come back to the focus, which often gets deteriorated, due to external influences, offers and associations. Reading and writing daily goals make me feel what is important to me and to contemplate on why have I deviated from the main course if the case is. Such indulgence helps me not to repeat the pattern as seen in 2 – 3 major decision making during the year so far.
An 18 hours day.
Discipline, discipline and discipline, I understand the importance of it day by day. As an employee, you are guided by a set of rules so that you stay in order. Swiping in time, look forward to evening cab, etc., though it helps a little on life goals, but help meet most of the needs. In the absence of such discipline, things often go out of hands and one sees little progress at the end of the month. An entrepreneur’s needs more guiding force within. The freedom it can bring has the responsibility associated with it.
Beads of Pearls.
It is easier to get along with the flow and to lose in the busyness of our daily chores. However well we do them; it has only little impact on the future building. Such daily routines, if has exercise and meditation, it’s a big exception. I recheck where my mind is heading towards and why the confusion. I read my big picture - VISION 2020 and discard the tempting short-lived goals offered by individuals or circumstances.
Useful VALUE.
I learnt to cut down empty talks, bring in the commercial value to my time. I now know what I am gaining or losing each hour. It’s a purely selfish act, but much needed to gain the time for priority projects which are creating pressure in me. Accumulations, I have considerably limited them and consciously choosing what is needed. It would take a little while to be at my best doing it sub-consciously. Otherwise, it is taking away the free space within, which acts as a cushion, much needed for getting more in life. Giving up the good, for the best!.
Having interacted with different kinds of people (entrepreneurship bring choices) during these months, via speaking sessions, one to one’s, I learnt that the major difference between individuals who are at peak of their interest and those who are at the beginning of trade is the mind. If one learns to expand his mind (not yielding to the excuses, limitation etc.), the game is half won. Reality comes true only to those who were able to create it in the mind first.
Newbie to CXO level needs to expand their thinking daily to bring near what now looks at distant.
If one can think like CEO, he can be one in future. Question of how to think big, beyond boundaries, is what i teach in one -to -one coaching.
Applying 33% rule.

Having decided long ago stop sitting on the coast and start living life, I was sure of one thing that I have to share my message. So at the least, I am freed of carrying it within me all along!
In this way posts and poetry are created as and when I get opportunity and necessary inspirations to do so. I had been sharing in the LiveByHeart! Blog, the management, leadership experiences and also the theme based fiction and poetry.
Now I am feeling a need to give a structure to that (he)art part of the life. Life is for celebration; taking the complete control of inner growth (self help) and outer world creation (help others), which satisfies individual’s aspirations. For me, it appears to be a voluminous writing, compiling the articles in an order, but should be worth investing the time and effort, thinking the kind of impact it may bring in the life of others.
Give a proper structure to my entrepreneur activities; get the initial team in place, put efforts towards social media marketing and get disciplined about Livebyheart! Blogging schedule.
Arrive at Plan 2025, with quarterly breakups for major goals in mind. Work on those projects, where control and decision is majorly in my bucket.
I learnt when it comes to commercials, depending on multiple people for decision making usually delays and even end up with no decision, often leading to the waste of precious time.
Create a clearer vision board based on the above planning. It should support the thought; the future we see is the future we get. Better have that broad picture in place, so that not to let go a single morning without clear motive and intention.
Clearing the way by changing things which are old, not useful to regain the space and attention required to comeback to the main stream of focus with rejuvenation.
And may be few more items we can discuss at my year-end review, on how I performed in the last 33% of the year!