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The DecaTrait - P. R Mukund

Writer: NCNC

If one is looking for Vedic Wisdom and its practical application in the modern technology driven world, better learn that from Prof. P.R. Mukund.

It might appear as my quick conclusion, but I stand by it!!.

During the talk, Professor shared his view on achieving ones maximum potential, in the limited time he had while at Mysore.

I am sharing those points I have jotted down for my own references, which got better upon reading his book,

‘The DecaTrait’ – Approach to Success.

Knowledge: The practically useful one. Not to get trapped in ‘Analysis paralysis’ kind, with knowing too much or too little, it needs to be resourceful knowledge. Information is often confused as knowledge; know the metrics for your success.

Passion: It’s a devotion you show towards your chosen interest. It is easily recognizable and attracts useful alliances. It is contagious and develops with each progress one achieves. Even it takes years to do so, but does not fade.

Non attachment: Have no possessiveness about the result you expect. If goal is to constantly strive for growth, any company can be successful. Actual need is, the leadership and the stewardship.

Self-Awareness: Ability to sense which is good and not so good. In the absence of it, instead of looking inside to see what we are made up of, we look outside for reassurances. Learn to shut the external senses, mind, intellect and go beyond. If the desire is stronger lesson would follow.

Absorption: Real time analyzing abilities without getting emotional about the experiences. We often hear but do not listen, see but fail to observe and touch without feeling it. Successful business men work on building the relationship and seldom talk about their products.

Confidence: A belief on our own abilities and also about the outer world, the way it would react towards ones goal. When a disturbing data is in front of us, look at the big picture and longer time frame. It’s about, developing the ability to be optimistic in bad times, and pessimistic in good times, strength to force it within, so that outside world reacts to it.

Conviction: Ability to come back to status quo after any turmoil. To stay on track, without doubt, distraction and fear. Desire should not be compromised by fear.

Balance: To be arrived at every time, be it between the success and failure, among profit and loss or even in any opposing events which can now present as opportunities. As yogic balancing posture builds both strength and stamina together, same is essential for mind, to be free and agile. Fixated in an idea will not work, be open for ideas from unexpected corners.

Vitality: To safe guard oneself from polluting environment, others reactions, to ensure that vitality is created within to make movement and ideas would become strong. Larger the idea or goal, harder would be its creation. The ideas, events and actions have its own life, which is to serve its purpose, though it may reappear in a newer form later.

Strength: All the points above would lead to it, Strength is essential in physical, mental and spiritual levels. It creates general sense of peace, ability to focus, determination to succeed and hoping forever to expand horizons. When tranquility inside, storms subside.

Good part of the 50 page book is, it gives the authors experiences as a case study for each of the above points.

With Prof. P R Mukund

After that en-lighting session, I had a brief moment to converse with the professor, I asked,

How do I accelerate my personal success? There always seem innumerable hurdles to overcome, let alone these traits'

Dr. Mukund, said, "If you are doing an endeavor for yourself, to fulfill your desires, then yes you are right, your karmas ( debt / runanubandha) has to be addressed first to surmount hurdles.

Say, example as a professor, if I work for getting few houses, cars, comfortable life style, then I have to struggle each day to prove myself better and plan ahead those of my competition.

Whereas, if I can change the context, that with my abilities, skill and knowledge, if I can guide, mentor, help students as much as possible, divine can shower its blessings too. In this approach I would be less stressful and more focused on doing good for many number of students.

Result, not only my personal desires would get fulfilled easily, but also to be part of divine intention in serving multitude. Beauty of this approach, your personal karma now takes second place, it will have lesser impact or even you can leave it completely at the hand of nature to address it appropriately".

Wisdom always comes in few words.

I had been a student of law of karma, Vedic wisdom, try understanding a right way to make individual conscience clearer, there by choosing the appropriate alternative to hasten individuals’ progress as a soul. I wouldn't have expected it any better or any simpler.

Professor nailed it.

1 Comment

Aug 28, 2019

Giving should be the essence of life. Thanks Naveen for this good summary

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