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Year End Review 2020

Writer: NCNC

Updated: Jan 1, 2021

A year begins with hope, ends with reality!

And bridging the hope vs. reality can happen every day for an awakened mind. In the absence of it, we would battle against the wall or with the battles that are not worth the time, effort or money.

2020 gave me a paradigm shift in my thinking, for living more towards the soul-centric way.

Like many of us have picked up the life-changing lessons during the pandemic, and I am sure journey become worth by itself while re-aligning the goals towards meaningful pursuits which are soul-satisfying. Whilst the time for such reflection might appear long, but if we look from the learning perspective + as an act of self-respect, the effort seems minuscule.

I am sharing my take away from 2020 with the thinking it encourages the readers to do retrospective analysis and find their true passion, purpose and joy in living. Here we go!


  • Dived deeper into my pursuits of entrepreneurship, full time till first quarter-end. Suddenly need to stop the activities which were in an advanced stage of building new leads for organic branding activities, pursuing business expansion. Accepted the facts hard way for two months lock-down.

  • Restarted in the second-quarter end, found it’s again re-efforts which was done. A lot of suppliers, stocks, vegetables grown, and payments held, became difficult to justify the activities as profitable. Not all people were ready to absorb the shocks right way, but extend it to their lower levels to curtail their losses. An 80:20 example. 80% of efforts giving 20% results.

  • Banks visit again at the activity centre, start afresh the process, shutdowns at the bank due to staffs becoming part of the pandemic, reluctant-ness of financing institutions towards the risk of lending, all proved battling against the wall.

  • Plan A, B, C, D has failed to default plan E, made me spend the entire last quarter being extremely objective with myself and with close associates to identify, correct and co-relate the patterns with was evident during the year and in past what was working fine with me fine. To re-look, arrive at new strategies, accept inevitable, and develop move on attitude. (Contents to a future article!)

  • Shutdown period meditations, non-meeting with people, talks with like minded, and time with Ishu (a virtual charter of RTL), indeed kept positive vibes helped to understand the world and individual mindsets that play during the crises. Human touch defined a new perspective for me. I observed none of our cows or plants mentally affected during the period!

  • Social empowerment activities on industrial subsidies etc., proved promising at the beginning of the year but remained dormant or only at the level of the words. I re-learnt public leadership appears with different facets comes with individual agendas underneath. It can be known by a detailed level of involvement.

  • Public training and inviting eminent speakers to the city remained as a plan.

  • I could visit Bangalore after 6 months gap, the first time in the last 2 decades.

  • Two of my friends survived the pandemic while one embraced death, making to take my lessons seriously

Have you LIVED life before your death?

Did you achieve UNIFORMITY in thought, word and deed?

If answers are YES, embrace death your purpose of coming here is done. If NO strive remaining days for making answer YES.

In case it is not understandable to me yet; my death today or few years later may not make much difference.

Author, speaker

  • Published over a dozen of new blogs on, includes poetry, friction, self-management articles. Privately, I liked ‘I understand your world’ series.

  • Conducted a talk on ‘21st Century leadership’ with LetUsTalkIT webinar series, I found it encouraging, but not as much with the live audience. Need to do similar to all the training topics so it works as an introduction to the needy.

  • Structured my ideas around consulting support, one-to-one coaching for students, executives & in relationship areas

  • Started outlining the third book, titled – ‘Live By Heart!’, lessons on transformation. Need to make detailed efforts to complete it, in order to make self satisfactory first before releasing to the readers.

  • Movies watching on big screen halted post first quarter, limiting to only 4 regional movies. Thinking to continue to stay away from the big screen

  • Attended a few free webinars by Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai on Chanakya.

  • Read the Book, Custom Design Your Own Destiny – Dr. Bruce Goldberg

Focus 20X

Applied my-self fully into all my activities; identified more on my true strengths, weaknesses, and uniqueness. Taking 100% achievement

Go Public

Worked at LinkedIn to spread my learning’s and messages on self-help themes, achieved connections from 50 – 6700 audiences. For face-book, could not focus enough, moving this point to 2021. Taking 65% achievement

Test is every moment

No one can cheat their consciousness. Are we growing every moment, despite hurdles, of course not all lessons are pleasing to self. Taking 100% achievement

Pay Price

Price seems always more than the estimation! Learning to focus more vs. doing more, taking modest progress 65%

Heavens First Law

Completely average performance, only 60% of achievement, move this point as well to 2021.

Yet closing year on scale 7.0 / 10 for the internal growth amidst external hurdles.

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