Every beginning comes with hope, followed by the reality (ask newlywed!) sets in, if one is not prepared enough to accept the reality, chances he or she ends up with a blame game, self-pity or playing timid for the days ahead.
What does a learner do? he takes each disappointment, and failure, to correct his approach, his mindset, and attitude towards the problem, and then puts his best foot forward being cautious of not repeating the same mistakes, twice.
Once the acceptance of reality sinks in, that if I keep repeating the same things, with the same people, same place, then I would be getting the same results even for the next 10 years. So being critical of oneself and being smooth with others is what is suggested by our scriptures, so end of the day, a year, a decade, of life you turn out to be a better soul than you were a day before or a year before.
This philosophy has kept me recording, learning and formulating a way forward every year similar to closing the year 2022. I encourage to do same with you.
The year has been a focused one as I decided in the early 2022 New Year big 5.
I stayed focused, and completed the 3rd book, ‘Live By Heart – Inner principles for lasting results’, available for free download for you.
My enterprising endeavours taught me to limit myself to those areas where I am in charge of making most of the decisions, otherwise to stay away from it. This made to focus on real estate and stock investing most of the year. If anyone needs assistance in BDA and MUDA site auction participation please feel free to leave a note.
During the year good IPOs’ made me focus on the capital markets again after several years as a passive or pastime activity. This year brought me the focus necessary and the calmness needed to understand the market in a real sense. Theoretically, I had enjoyed that in my portfolio management PGDM way back, yet did not soil hands-on in managing funds. Days ahead should give that opportunity plus focus to extend on it.
An average of 6 – 8 hours everyday focus has gone here. I have attended interesting pieces of training from https://www.pathfinderstrainings.in/, Dr Deepak Subedi of IKIGAI Vibes, Modit Massey of freedom Investors club, https://www.investordiary.in/, www.sharekhaneducation.com and https://workshop.prsundar.com immersing myself in both value investing and day trading.
Hence lesser posts were published during the year. Engaged primarily on one on ones where necessary. My armature singing has gone a little ahead with karaoke singing in small events, parties and pubs!
During the year, I came across the frequency machine, Healy, which sets the right electromagnetic frequency for the body, mind and soul through micro-currents passing to our bioenergetic field. I extremely benefited from it and so are the people whom I have tested it with. Particularly meeting with Marcus Schmieke proved to me that one can be both a sage and a scientist, simultaneously.
Books I read:
1. Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy life.
Found this subject very scholarly approached with suggestions for building a life around one's passion.
2. The Second Path – My life in the information field by Marcus Schmieke,
Explaining his life with quantum physics, interestingly narrated with a very straight approach
Movies I watched:
777 Charlie, Bimbisara, Sarkaru Vaari Paata, Karthikeya 2, Beemla Nayak, Bangaraju, RRR, thank you, Ponniyan selvan, vikram, kaduva and Beast. Most of them are enjoyable particularly ‘thank you’ left me with the deeper message it carried.
With ‘Reminiscences of a True Love’, there has been very limited traction from my end, though a few were constantly checking with me for the next stories, lessons or part of the saga!
I have been postponing for many reasons or excuses, if I delay any further, I am sure Ishu take charge of my brain again and until putting those messages into words I may not be allowed to do anything! This time, maybe it’s about what is practically possible and how sooner one can transform his or her personal life so that it brings out the changes in the environment they are presently in.
Well, when we turn on to a new year, we start with goals and resolutions for bettering ourselves. I did the same, only to know by nearing the year's end, nature had planned better deals than I have imagined, being surrendered to nature is the best way to invoke our complete potential into play.
Once the right attitude sinks in most things fall into place. Closing the yearbook 2022.